Four Mobster Guys from New Jersey

Marching with the Mob and a Visit to Hollowed Ground... I chose to go to Washington DC on Sept 12th to be a small part of something I sensed was going to be big. This is a quick report, which I feel obligated to write so that the truth of what I saw and felt is available on the Internet as a permanent record.
EN ROUTE: Flying out for Dulles International in Virginia, I was surprised to be surrounded by people in rows, both front and behind me, chatting it up; up until then, perfect strangers. Each guessed their seat-mates intentions by the books they had pulled out to read; two had Common Sense by Glenn Beck, and three had Cleon Skousen's "The Five Thousand Leap." I had just pulled my study copy out of the same book as the 3 behind and across from me, and decided to not get in the conversation, nor share that I was the publisher of Skousen's opus, but observe.
Each shared their motivations for going to Washington DC, and each not sure what they would find. None were representing any group, just going as individuals, as one man across the isle from me said: "I felt inspired to go. I don't know why, but my wife and I just decided to take the trip from our Christmas savings and make this our present to each other." They spoke of fiscal responsibility, family values, and expectations for the Congress and President to represent the voice of the people; and all determined to express displeasure with the apparent rush toward socialism. This was a "the Constitution matters to us" crowd.
ON PENNSYLVANIA AVE: I didn't have a group I belonged to but did have friends from Tea Party Patriot Live radio show from Orlando, FL. They became my marching buddies. We started at Freedom Plaza near the White House. People converged from all directions. If you examine photos from the event you will see a high percentage of marchers over forty. The placards were home-made, against mandated government run health care, fiscal irresponsibility, socialism, and liberal dominated policy making in rapid breath-taking speed that didn't allow time for digestion and study by our elected representatives or citizens.
OF NOTE: I recall the liberal and leftist lead protests of the 60's and 70's; they always descended from the ideals of their leaders to actual violent, loud, and property destructive behavior leaving an aftermath of trash, garbage, and injury.
MISSING:Television cameras from all the major networks. Not one. Just FOX and CNN.
In contrast this "mob," which liberal Congressional House leaders called conservative town hall protesters of the summer of 2009, were courteous, constructive, yes loud, but they actually peacefully dissented and cleaned up their own trash. (I took photo evidence of trash cans filled with used placards, and clean streets.)
I estimate the crowd was no less than 100,000 as I wandered back from the Capitol building and saw protesters filling Pennsylvania Ave for two solid hours after I arrived, walking shoulder to shoulder, until the spill over filled the Mall the distance between the Capitol Building to the north and Washington monument to the south.
An atmosphere of calm and celebration was apparent throughout the day. A victorious sense of accomplishment along with a reverence for what Washington represented; accompanied everyone I met; and I found people from every state of the Union had come in spontaneity, just as I had overheard on my flight in to Dulles.
What I saw and felt was FREEDOM.
SACRED FREEDOM and UNION: I celebrated the sense of sacred liberty the next day by a solo trip to Gettysburg battlefield, where once, long ago the fate of the Union was challenged over three bloody days of American fighting American. I climbed Big Round Top were I met four Alabamians who came, drawn as I was, to blood soaked hallowed ground where ancestors in arms fought countrymen who's motivations were, on both sides, FREEDOM.
We greeted, but spoke quietly, in awe of what took place there a violent day in July 1863. Yankee to Southerners who now only wanted one thing; to preserve the Union they love, parted knowing we would ever be united in love for country.
The country is torn again, but not by geographies. Don't be fooled by the disinformation from the media and government liberals in opposition to Freedom movements nationwide. They will call us a "mob," Nazi's, thugs, right-wingers, and racists. Heaven only knows what else...
We are NOT anti anything but "stupidity."
This is a First Amendment inspired revolution by educated people, non-violent in nature, by-in-large faith-filled for God and country with one thought; to return sanity to government, fiscally, morally, and in harmony with traditional American values. The ballot box and free speech will be the people's only weapons. Americans north, south, east, and west simply want to be AMERICAN.
And, if we could shout it in unison so that the Legislative and Executive branch of the government could hear it, it would be this:
"It's about the Constitution, stupid!"
James Pratt
1 comment:
I wish I could have been there James. Instead I had to take my college daughter some money and spend a few hours with her. I miss my baby girl tremendously.
I agree with you that Washington is a hallowed place, despite what our representatives have turned it into. To think that George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and other great founders looked upon the same geography and saw, not the monuments of wars fought and won, but a virtual shining city on a hill that would watch over and protect the liberties they fought and paid a heavy price for. They looked upon a legacy of freedom long before the consulates and lobbyists took up residence.
When my mother was in her mid-eighties, we drove up to Gettysburg one Mother's Day weekend. She knew the way from North Carolina, through Virginia where we stopped at Patrick Henry's home the day before and a place far off the map called "The Holy Land" where a farm had been converted into a walk through scripture. A creek was named the river Jordan, an outcropping of boulders was Golgatha; beneath another rock formation was a manger and the sign proclaimed "Little Bethlehem". The trails were named as well: The Road to Damascus and the Via Dolorosa. Painted rocks on a distant hill spelled out "Mount of Olives" where Jesus prayed early in the morning. The tour was a long four mile walk. My mother, barely 100 pounds, walked the entire way. I was exhausted, but she never complained.
We passed through countryside that was rich in history, both of early America and of the faith in a Creator who gave us this land. By the time we reached Gettysburg I thought we'd be sore from the previous day's walk, but Mama and I climbed the Little Round Top and looked out at the site where the tide turned and where Colonel Joshua Chamberlain led the charge that saved the Union army that day. Because of one man's actions, not only was a battle won, but the city of Washington, the ultimate target for Lee's army, was never attacked and the South's army was never able to recover - thus preserving the Union and ensuring that the United States would be around to defeat Adolph Hitler and Hirohito.
A statue of Chamberlain sits on the top of that mountain and a plaque telling the story of Chamberlain's charge is affixed to the granite boulders behind. Chamberlain's nose is polished shiny from the touch of countless human hands who somehow sense that something great, something with eternal consequences, happened on this spot.
Veterans are drawn to battlefields and national cemetaries where patriots gave everything to protect and preserve the liberties our Founders envisioned for us. We have been privileged to serve a cause that has made the entire world a better place. That is why we oppose those who would make America in the image of lesser nations. America is a blessing upon the Earth from our Creator; one that inspires pride, provides hope, offers peace, backed by strength; and who steps into the gap when others can't or won't do the right thing when confronted by evil. America is an ideal, greater than the sum of her people; but great also because even one person can make decisions that will impact the world for good.
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