On another Easter Sunday long ago, my family posed for this photo on Garfield Ave in Southgate, CA. You may guess the little boy in the front row teasing his older sister? Yep, moi.
Life was a long journey to be enjoyed, filled with adventure, love, perhaps do like my father had done; save America in another war worth sacrifices...
NOW... It has been an adventure, and filled with love, sorrow, pain, fear, freedom, service, learning, loss, fulfillment, and pleasure. The totality of it all which I look for to sum it up? Happiness.
EASTER provides a day of reflection and new beginnings. If one word comes to mind most readily it is hope. Hope for...?
New life, new beginnings, gratitude for the meaning of a risen Christ for believer and non-believer. For hope is what starts the journey, one step in front of the other toward faith, growth, fulfillment, and finally arriving to what a sometimes elusive word sums up: "Happiness."
Sometimes life's road is strewn with boulders, and other times you find you must simply fight adverities and adversaries for cherished dreams. Which brings me to where I've been, what I'm doing, and why I care about the freedom to "hope" which Easter always resurrects. Bear with a political observation. The reason for making it will become apparent...
"Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness:" This phrase from the Declaration of Independence was wrongly quoted by US Congressman Hare of Illinois two days ago as the reason he voted for a nationalized medicine bill, which "mandates" Federal controls, purchasing upon threat of penalty to states and individuals, expressly contrary to the spirit of freedoms implied and expressed by our two founding documents.
He claimed the phrase came from the US Constitution which "I don't really care about." Here is a man who can't identify the difference between our nation's founding documents, and doesn't "care" (his words.) Here is a man whose party represents many good and loyal Americans who do "care." Here is a man willing to "force" a bankrupting concept (2.5 trillion dollars to an 8 trillion national debt)upon a people which in all opinion polls overwhelmingly rejects "force" as a road to American "happiness." I could go on with statistics and actual Constitutional law to show how far we have slipped into near "ruler" mentality. Not the point right now.
The point? Our spiritual and religious rights are inexorably linked to documents which a "ruling party" insists are not as important as the people their decisions will serve. This is backwards.
Saving the Constitution: It has become apparent that if any of the hopes and dreams of the little family in the 1957 photo have been realized, they have been based only upon freedoms our countrymen, women and wise founders sacrificed many years and lives for.
With so many doing so much, including giving even their lives for American freedoms, "could I do less?" I have asked myself. I have determined this is a fight and stand which, should I avoid in order to simply "enjoy" private peace-filled moments and my own happiness, I would later regret.
I've been "missing in action" in these "Straight From the Heart" blog posts for four months as I pursued publishing, distribution, and alliances needed for my business which is engaged in the fight for the heart and soul of America.
As publisher of the #1 Amazon bestseller THE FIVE THOUSAND YEAR LEAP with foreword by Glenn Beck, and the emerging bestselling digital software library titled, US CONSTITUTION COACH KIT, I've been buried in leadership and administration details.
Writing is my first love. I thank all my friends who have been fans of my books, posts and musings. I promise to return weekly now with insights, opinion, observations, and encouragement for life I hope will inspire the reader. I will not focus upon much in politics here, but send links to blogs on other pages where I have been invited to contribute my thoughts about political times and items of constitutional, cultural, and national interest.
Here, at Straight from the Heart I will continue to pursue my heartfelt goal; messages of inspiration and encouragement. Which brings me full circle to...
EASTER leaves me no choice but to declare unequivocally this: I believe in Christ.
I offer this because it provides me HOPE in what his life and messages offer.
HAPPINESS has not been the product of a painless life nor an easy path. It is a secret that anyone, anywhere can learn in spite of the long day of trouble they endure.
New Beginnings: Between "little boy" in the photo and newly minted "senior citizen" the freedom to believe as I desire and act accordingly, has produced satisfaction and still yields excitement to achieve new goals, with the attending "joie de vivre."
I invite you to join me. No matter where you may be in life, whatever may be your dreams, have hope, and never give up on life, our country, God, and the design and purpose for our existence; happiness.
James M. Pratt
Next Week: "Opposites Attract - Why happiness is aways right around the corner."
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