Saturday, December 29, 2007


HAPPY New Year 2008 and Beyond!

Wishing you a "HAPPY" New Year: This caused me to pause and think about what causes the state of happiness in the first place. So a few of my musings are offered.

Science of happiness? Meaning is the key: I’m a co-owner in a publishing and event start-up; PowerThink Publishing, LLC. It’s taken two years, no income generated, but I have never been happier in my chosen profession. See, being “happy” is all about a bottom line in life. For me that bottom line is found in living a meaning-filled life. Creating uplifting literature is a challenge, and to touch another person through it, drives me and is directly linked to my "personal meaning" in life.

There is a science to being happy: A state of happiness exists when we are engaged in that which we value most. “Meaning” gives purpose and energy to our values. Our highest "motives" are derived from our highest "meanings." Motives drive action, and so... you are focused and happily engaged on that which matters most if you make "meaning" and "purpose" the key to your activities. For example, I have a belief system governed by a set of moral guidelines. These guidelines are influenced by what I have come to believe are true and meaningful principles. I've tested them over time. I am satisfied that they work for me. When I obey the principles, governing my personal conduct, I am happy. So it is with those governing my work; I am most happy then... When I follow the guidelines for the work I love doing, positive results occur. When I treat others as I like to be treated I am happy. When I live and love within "meanings" I really believe in, being HAPPY results. Establish meaning, establish happiness and satisfaction...

I have put to paper a personal "meaning and purpose statement" for all the important areas of life: relationships, social behavior, civic beliefs, parenting, spirituality, marriage, service, profession, education, etc. What makes me happy, might not do the same for you. That is because, whether written or not, our individual "meanings" and "purposes" are so strong within us, and customized to our personalities, that we either flow with them or fight them. Nurtured over time our personal likes and dislikes also add to a mental paradigm of what is meaningful to us. Add to that habits. Some people find habits hard to balance, break or otherwise prune as a gardener might on overgrown shrub.

Such habits or compulsive behaviors cultivated in socializing, substance over-use, or just playing, creating wealth, working a profession, a relationship, and so on, may hold the highest present meaning in life. Like a comfort zone, we tend to gravitate back to whatever feels safe and useful to us at the time. The expectation is, of course, that what holds meaning to me, good or bad, if I engage in it more, will make me happy. Pleasure and happiness get confused: There is nothing wrong with pleasure, as long as it isn't the end game. Remember the kind of seed you plant determines the kind of fruit you pick. Good... or bad. More on that as I continue.

Money = Happiness? This is a big one for all of us. Money is necessary and can do much good. In fact your purchase of Internet service enables you to read this, and your earnings often go to buy a good book (thank you!) or other recreation and pleasurable pursuit. But is money the thing that generates or purchases happiness? It helps to illustrate. I mentioned earlier working on building my company, PowerThink Publishing, and not earning anything from it over two years... (And by the way, to make it even more of a challenge, there have been no reserves to work from. Just reputation, a computer and some office space.)

Question: What about the money then? The money I haven’t earned over two years? You might ask, “How can Pratt claim to be so happy if he is building a dream without money?”

Answer: I know that what I am working on builds more value than I could be paid for. In fact, I will be paid, and handsomely so. I am working under the principle of “deferred compensation” which means I understand that for others to value my work and pay me for it, it had better be well-invested in by myself first, and please them second.

Besides, I have a track record of living like this and understand intuitively how valuable money could be during my creative work process, yet also how valuable my work under pecuniary strain makes compensation when it finally arrives. (I know... sounds weird, but temporary insanity is often a companion to those of us welded to this happy writing life. If I am delusional about my happiness, please "do not disturb.")

Working for others makes me happy: The entire process of targeting my audience, seeing in my mind’s eye who they are and what they want, makes me happy. What I get paid, may be great or small, but with persistent work in the inspiration and self-improvement field I become a better man, others become better people, and the rewards finally include monetary benefits, flowing in to sustain us in a current of creative and meaning-filled energy.

I believe happiness, in degrees, can be automatically induced, every time we attach a valued “meaning” to what we are doing. Ask people who value serving others how they feel after coming back from a project to help someone, whether near or far across the seas. They spent money. They expended great energy. They never lacked for inconvenience, and they probably enjoyed no common luxuries while engaged. Some got so sick physically that they thought they couldn't take anymore, (I prayed, “God just take me,” three times over two years in South America from absolute physical illness and misery) yet at the end of the adventure ask him or her “How do you feel?” I know how I felt.

“Happy” is the first emotion expressed. Why? Because in that person’s life they were engaged in something deeply meaningful to them. They connected with the ancient wisdom of their soul and through their hearts worked selflessly to love others. Pleasurable, this euphoric feeling of accomplishment is anyone’s for the “doing,” is REAL.

Guess what – science will also confirm, that pleasure causing and immune system building chemicals are released in high doses into your nervous system when you are engaged in service, giving, loving others, getting outside of yourself, and that area of life which gives you the most meaning!

Yes! Pleasure is chemically induced, and your personal “meaning” has everything to do with it. Being a mother—what woman has not found an inexplicable joy at nurturing her child from the womb through life. So much meaning is attached to that child that a mother will sacrifice almost anything, including her life, for the welfare and happiness of her offspring.

Researchers have recently discovered the oxytocin hormone release link between service and euphoria. Oxytocin is known to be released from the brain in females when nurturing their child, during sex, and is also induced through social stimuli for both genders, according to a report found in USA TODAY, Dec. 2007 (link:

SERVING: Not unlike the rush of a runner’s high, when serving those who cannot serve themselves, immense feelings of compassion produce a satisfying warmth, and the world just feels right. I have tested this many times over thirty-five years and guarantee, though service may be inconvenient at times, it produces a “happy” feeling and state of being.

Wow—so before science, why did I engage in altruistic, service, non-monetary rewarded, opportunities? Meaning is the answer. Attaching a high priority and meaning to certain compartments of my life including; work, family, love, character, use of financial resources, health… it all comes back to one like a boomerang. And "happiness" is the instantaneous emotion, just like the feeling I have had at working for two years with zero income.

I won't lie. Working on pure belief without promise of financial reward has its miserable moments and serious doubting from time to time. My choices have been limited to some degree. But... my happiness is not caused by funds, but the "fun" found in the creative arts that hold so much "meaning" for me. (In spite of my temporary lapses from "reality" of earning mucho dinero to that of dreaming of greater things, my wife still loves and trusts me... Thank heavens.)

SEX & Happiness -- The world is drowning in its promotion: Soooo, when it is love making, and not love taking: Talking about “love making”and oxytocin, the "sex hormone"— My opinion: If you really really want to be happy during sexual intimacy make sure you love that person. REAL love is tied to deep meanings about the value of the other person and serving their needs. That's why the contract of marriage may strengthen intimacy, and why intimacy may strengthen marriage. There is a contract, an agreement to serve each other. Sex is either just physical romping around without response – ability, (taking) or the pleasure-filled union that two committed “givers” have for each other (making.) Sex may be pleasurable, but empty. Or it may be pleasurable and FULL-feeling. Loving, in a selfless way, makes the sex better and cup of love filled. Just thought you’d like to know my take on what society seems to make the biggest, most talked about, joked of, imagined, maligned, and referred to topic of our time.

Want more happiness? Find “meaning” in every area of your life. Don't hold back. Go for it!
(Added a week later) For a great read on "Happiness" see the ABC 20/20 Jan. 11th 2008 show or click on this link. Page 2 validates the "meaning" quotient.

"HAPPY" New Year 2008 and beyond!
PS: Free book offer still available at the end of the Christmas post.

Thursday, December 20, 2007


I really love Christmas. I love the religious significance, but Santa Claus, sleighs, carols, trees, presents, and just the general spirit of kindness that pervades the season. I have never grown up. I still believe. In fact, I look for Santa, I think, as much as I do for Jesus. He is, after all, so pleasant, and seems to "get" the "naughty and nice" thing just like Jesus so I don't have to sort it out. All I got to do is be "nice."

I like that. Besides, he wears red. He's an equal-opportunity "good guy." The cheery color is used in America's, England's, and just about every other country's flag design on the planet -- including the "naughty" ones... aka communist, former commies, and so on.

And then there is baby Jesus. Isn't Santa really just one of the "wise men" bringing gifts to all the little princes and princesses of the world? And isn't each person, (especially a child) who gives gifts being taught the wonderful lessons that thinking about others creates? I think so. So we have this religious history and Santa Claus all thrown in together. And each of us, in a way becomes a "wise man" or wise woman bearing gifts for the baby Jesus. Nice. I can't help but see the magic in Christmas, and in my own mind can't help but see Jesus smiling on the result.

After all, isn't the result all about holidays? And who doesn't like those? We make too much about commercialism destroying the spirit of Christmas. Bring on the Frankincense, myrrh, and aloe vera too! (I get "Old Spice"in my stocking every year.) The clothes, the toys, the jewels... Bring it all on! Didn' t the baby in Bethlehem get treated that way? Why shouldn't His little lambs be treated in the same spirit of giving?

And the word "holiday?" I like that word. It rings of "surrender" to the spirit of the times when we "let go" of the hectic, fast-paced, and awful adult sophistication and just become "child-like." Kind of like getting a ticket to enter Disney World. I think we should have one "holiday" every week. Just to relax and recover.

Oh yeah, we do. It's spelled a bit different though. Sunday in English. Domingo in Spanish. "Holy Day" is where the word is actually derived... "Dia Santo" in Spanish (Sacred Day) -- so that makes sense to have it cut out of the other 6 days -- a "day of rest." Kind of like Christmas. A time of rejuvenation, kindness, relaxing, giving, service, joy, singing choirs, angels, crosses, gifts, family...

I didn't really stop to think that Christmas was really already a weekly deal until I started writing this. Hummm... I like that to0. See what Christmas inspires? Just all the good, none of the bad.

And I still like Santa! Oh, speaking of Santa. I want to be like him when I grow up -- (minus the belly) and in a different sort of way than I want to be like Jesus. (I'll explain later.)

So I'm giving a book away. One chapter every "holy day" (Sunday) until finished. All you got to do is email me at and request: "FINDING CHRIST, Chapter One." Then if you like it, keep requesting the next chapter. I'm ahead of the game on writing it, so I am sure we can work out giving this away before it gets published.

Once published in 2009 (by a small independent press, by the way) I am using 100% of the proceeds for humanitarian causes... I want to enjoy being Santa for as long as I can. And in the end the best way for me to do that is one holy day and one chapter at a time.



PS: Go to my website and click "Email the Author" on the top menu bar when you request FINDING CHRIST Chapter One.

Saturday, December 15, 2007


Christmas, Politicking, and the Bottom Line

The Christ, His day, and personal politics...

Christ wasn't Republican nor Democrat, and I wish I could write a different message -- one of pure hope, but I must openly offer my Christmas 2007 message through commentary on the politics of our time, as witnessed recently in the public debate over "who's" Christianity is "electable" in the presidential races now under way.

I will not bring up names of those running. But I will say immediate disqualification for my vote was attached to one whose purposefully planted remarks of, "Don't they believe Jesus and the devil are brothers?" were intentionally designed to foment bigotry against a formidable opponent, and thus hit a new low in American politics. Maybe this is just a "shot over the bow" using Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) as the target, but the last time they were shot at by other Americans they crossed into Iowa over a frozen Mississippi from Illinois in February 1846 to escape government sanctioned murder and mobbings. Now Iowa 2007... Odd to see faith used to attack a political opponent so close to the geographical location that the opponents ancestor's were physically driven from.

BOTTOM LINE: The bottom line on Christmas and personal religion as relates to this political debate? Believers are supposed to be brothers. Religious theology and politics are not good partners; history is replete with disaster when this kind of whispering and hints of "politically incorrect" religion are put forth. See if it sounds reasonable to you... (This should be obvious.)

Christianity celebrates its founder's day on one date more than any other day -- but promotes the idea that every day could be like it. Christmas is a time of celebration of the birth of a peace-giver. According to Wikipedia the term comes from the "...contraction of Christ's mass. It is derived from the Middle English Christemasse and Old English Cristes mæsse, a phrase first recorded in 1038.[1]"

Literally a celebration of union to the Christ, whatever the adherent's sect, faith, or derived dogma from his/her link to a church, the December 25th celebration does in fact engender kindness, a sense of peace, love, and harmony for all believers. People give more, criticize less, love through gifts. There is a palpable joy and I believe it is because of the billions world wide who project positive energy to each other; the billions who take the "day off" from the business of life, the political maneuvering, and the posturings to just be child-like as is our historic peace-maker, Jesus of Nazareth.

THE CHRIST I KNOW: The Jesus Christ I know and revere asks me to be a better man regardless of a religious affiliation, politics, privately held ideology... He asks me to be a moral man, a gentler and kinder person. In the end this Jesus asks me to be like him of whom John said in final definition of his persona: "God is love."

This "love" is inclusive, not exclusive. I can love Jews, Protestants, Catholics, Hindus, Buddhists, Moslems, Baptists, Latter-Day Saints, Jehovah's Witnesses, Scientologists, and the list goes on.

I can in fact, "be" for Him what he was for us; the succoring and helpful hands to the ill, the weak, the lost, the poor, the wealthy, the black, white, red, and in-between colors of humanity.

When all is said in done in politics and life, the Jesus I have come to know and love asks me to examine WHO I AM, not WHO YOU ARE.

The character of a man is loud enough when it comes to electability to the office of President of our great land where freedom of religion is an expressed right and privilege, and the cost of which has been so nobly borne by the millions of all faiths from the very founding of our "union." And so, it is with this message for Christmas 2007, to "be like Christ" is to love...become inclusive, and finally as a "Christ Mass" would do, continually offer "peace, good will and tidings of great joy" to all.

The "Peace Maker" I know asks me to be a better man. His accusers used convenient politics and the faith card of his being from "the devil" to seek to turn public opinion against him before crucifying him. You be the judge if a candidate is with Him or associating with the counter to his persona as planted in this week's political rhetoric. There is one thing that is true -- the bad guys always use religion when their argument is weak and when convenient. I prefer not to think of the candidate, slipping in theological nonsense about his opponent's faith, as a "bad guy." However, it puts a question mark on one claiming to be of the nature found in "Christ's Mass." Well... this much is true, "peace-making" and brotherhood it is not.

James Michael Pratt, Dec. 15, 2007