Saturday, December 13, 2008


A Gift for You

During these times of war, confusion, economic chaos, world turmoil, there is hope found in a place you or I can go any time... It is the safety of our heart's most cherished beliefs. Beliefs root and ground us in a foundation that stays firm though the earth moves uncontrollably. Along with pleasant memories of innocence, an inner voice calls to us to "believe" in what Christ's Mass is all about.

I wish I could wave a magic wand for all my friends and family who suffer, or long for just the sweet peace of child-like dreams. If I could I would wave it and make the heartaches and frenetic pace accompanying life in a 21st century world; a world sometimes seeming out of our control, go away.

Amy Grant sings a song I have loved for many years. "My Grown Up Christmas List" which answers the question what I would "wish" for you. It really brings it all home; At the end of the day all I care about is what Amy Grant sings, "MY GROWN UP CHRISTMAS LIST."

ALONG WITH THAT WISH I want to offer you a book FOR SHIPPING COST ONLY. It needs to find homes and friends before publishers and distributors will take note, and I hope you may enjoy it along with the cost: FREE with shipping only.

FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS...and friends & family: I wrote a story 6 years ago that is only now in its first few months of birth in paperback form. THE CHRIST REPORT, a story of hope, redemption, love, and return to simple beliefs. Cynical New York television host Sam Robertson, ailing with a broken heart and deeply in love, must help a man from the past if he is to survive one more Christmas; an innkeeper from 2,000 years ago and similarly with a broken heart but for a different reason. Their message? The secrets found in The Christ Report. It isn't in stores yet. But it is available to you for FREE... a limited edition and autographed. All I require is the cost of shipping at the check out of my new website: Click on The Christ Report and follow the instructions.

Enter the "Redemption Code" word: CHRISTMAS (in caps.) I'll ship it out immediately.

Please feel free to share with all your friends and family. Books with inspiration-filled messages in a box under the tree are better than in a box in storage...

I will be sharing the "silver lining" in the economic storm clouds all next year... Until then:

May this Christmas be simple, and filled with the warmth of hope, faith, and love!


Monday, December 1, 2008


“Proclaim liberty throughout all the land and unto all the inhabitants thereof.” Leviticus 25:10.

Inscribed upon THE LIBERTY BELL, at its permanent residence in Philadelphia, PA. are those words from Leviticus of the Old Testament. Wise and enduring words which would bring peace to everyone all year around. Speaking of "peace..."

“Christ’s Mass” is upon us. I love this time of year. It is more joy-filled, light-hearted, and giving. I believe the spirit of Christmas is literally a spiritual manifestation from God of how the world could be all the time if we proclaimed His liberty and freedom to all…

The Christmas season is a perfect occasion to rejoice and celebrate the words “freedom” and “liberty.” Most often associated in the average mind with country and independence, the words come from the God of Israel thousands of years before the United States was established as a free nation. When liberty was spoken of by God it had dual meanings:

Personal Liberty: One was the liberty and freedom from the effects of sin and breaking laws through an atoning Redeemer, thus giving us freedom from the burden, weight, and punishment that is a natural consequence of law-breaking. By simply offering “virtue” as a path, God offers “freedom” to any individual who is willing to try his experiment in "liberty."

National Liberty: The other meaning God had in mind is quite literal; that we should offer the same equality within God’s framework of laws to every man, woman and child. By “proclaiming liberty” to act, according to morals and virtue, God expected people to choose leaders of conscience and virtue to ensure personal freedoms were never trampled or denied.

This nation was established by men and women who believed it would take a high degree of individual morals and virtue to “self-govern;” an experiment seldom tried in past history. I will be sharing their written words upon this subject in coming months. Know this; most nations had always been governed by “rulers” who set the “policy,” created the laws, and expected compliance.

Our Founding Fathers offered, “We the People” the governing role through the vote, trusting us to pick wise and morally virtuous people who understood that “self-government” also meant “self-control.” A “balance of power” was also inspired so that no “single person” could be the total “policy” maker or “ruler.”

Without going into today's headlines, allow me to ask:“How much self-control as individuals and as governing parties are you seeing in our nation's leaders today? How much liberty is being established upon tried and true morals and virtue?” The list of national ills and dangers is long but has simple solutions and remedies. (Not simplistic but “simple” as in “reasonable and reliable.”)

US Constitution Coach and American Documents websites:I will be exploring thoughts on new websites being built with some very high powered associates who are fed up with the Constitution of the United States being walked on, disrespected, and generally disregarded as not relevant for today. Our aim is to “enlighten” and guide all, even those who may be sincere in their disagreement with the Founding Father’s vision, as to what “liberty” really means. We will link with other great websites, news sources, and original source documents to give the tools for anyone seeking clarity on what our rights as Americans are, and how to maintain them.

PROCLAIM LIBERTY for Christmas: I will offer you some FREE electronic downloads now and for the next several years as, “We the people” decide to collectively, “Proclaim liberty, throughout all the land and unto all the inhabitants thereof."

Please send this gift to all your friends, post comments on this site below, and watch for the new:

I will be inviting everyone I know to become a US Constitution Coach. Our country may be on the skids, and our Constitution hanging by a thread, but we have solutions and tools. The solution is “knowledge” rightly applied by "the people." It involves a revolution of virtue, morals, and sound judgement. The tool is the Internet and email connectivity with a willingness to have courage to share. It does not matter what political party or affiliation a person has. Not to me… and it shouldn't matter to you. Liberty from God invokes the sentiments of kindness and love, but it invokes courage too. We may debate issues with others but we must never debate the need for real and lasting LIBERTY.

Will you “Proclaim Liberty throughout all the land and unto all the inhabitants thereof,” with me? Let’s begin at Christmas and follow up all year long. It doesn't take money. I will give you all the tools needed to learn and share with the hundreds of friends and family members you communicate with. Freely give to them and encourage them to do likewise. We will build a fire that burns as bright as when the Founders first lit it if you accept... I promise.

At the end of the day, "Liberty" is God's call to all of us. What else matters if we can't breathe the exhilarating air of freedom?

Watch for to go “live” in January. In the meantime, I have FREE offers for you to share with everyone. Offers are found in the “History and Freedom” collection at my website store found at Go there create a “Login Account” and use the code: Constitution (with a capital “C.”) Three documents are FREE with this code:

"US Constitution,” “Federalist Papers,” and “Democracy in America.”

Freedom is a gift to protect. Don't wait to begin to learn and understand how blessed this land has been because of our founding principles. And don't wait to...

“Proclaim liberty throughout all the land and unto all the inhabitants thereof.” Leviticus 25:10.
