Tuesday, November 25, 2008


THANKS and GRATITUDE for Life & "The Battle for Everything"

Having Thanksgiving and Christmas within 30 days
gives us all time to pause, take a breather and an inventory of our lives. It is a time for reflection, family, friends, God, and giving. We are allowed to relax, and just “be” whoever we are at this time of our life.

I miss a lot about friends and family gone on; gone at 16, 18, 20, 25, 30, 33, 40, 45, 50… and beyond. I find myself considering that I will join them in God’s time, and reflective of what everyone living and passed on have meant to me. I consider the smiling faces of the departed, the reunion and “abrazos” for my brothers and sisters, the sweetness of arms around parents, and my heart fills with love and gratitude.

I am looking over my shoulder and living with the end in mind in moments like these; considering all the years gone by. I have become my father, and am very aware how “time flies.” I believe living with “the end in mind” is healthy. It argues the necessity for being “grateful” and causes one to pause and consider his ways when making decisions that have meaning for self and others.

Suddenly “having it all” takes second place to “having you all” in my life; and being who I was born to be.

We are still breathing if reading this, we are probably eating enough, and have a warm place to sleep. There is a lot to be grateful for, (even in scary and tough times for so many) especially if you have lived abroad in a third world or under-developed nation for any time at all. I think about just what we have as Americans...too much here to list in the "gratitude" department but I am especially mindful of those who, in their youth, died in wars, and the living who fought for ideals and their American comrades... I can't tell you how deeply I am touched by heroism and love that men and women freely show in laying everything that matters to them at the altar of freedom.

The American experience is 221 years old since the Constitution had its first birthday. I am 55. That means I have lived 1/4th of our nation’s history. If you are reading this and half my age, I have some good advice. So write me... Or just keep reading my blogs. I promise to be clear and won’t let you down. With all the chaos going on right now, just know America is always well, and will rise above financial, moral, or political chaos, if the dream of goodness, honor, and freedom remains bright in the hearts of its citizens. I believe the dream still does...

The Battle for Everything: If you are over 25, you are getting on into serious life and seeing that life can seem, at times, a “battle for everything;” the trials, loses, and accompanying emotions you experience will make you reevaluate values and beliefs. But, during the struggle there are moments of clarity; exhilaration, friendships, love, is when the bitter past accentuates the “sweet” joys of the present. Gratitude, a smile on the face, and the knowledge that all is not lost is the result. Hard times do not last forever, and broken hearts get compensating relief along the way. Having survived means more, and so does life...

I write tearjerkers; so I am told. I am reminded by Emerson how that really works: “No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader.” Emotion, even hard times, allows us to grow and consider what matters most as time so blithely moves on in this modern world of life tugging at us at light speed.

Once in awhile a popular tune really grabs me and speaks of a common theme we all experience. One by the group “Five for Fighting” is filled with sweetness, reflection, and speaks a fundamental truth about how fleeting life is. I wanted to share the lyrics with you as I look back with gratitude for every blessing, for being American, for making it through the many life-struggles, and having hope to continue to make a difference with my, “100 Years to Live.”

“100 Years to Live” from the album, Battle For Everything

I'm 15 for a moment, caught in between 10 and 20 and I'm just dreaming… Counting the ways to where you are.

I'm 22 for a moment, she feels better than ever and we're on fire, making our way back from Mars.

15 there's still time for you, time to buy and time to lose. 15, there's never a wish better than this When you only got 100 years to live…

I'm 33 for a moment, still the man but you see I'm a “they…” a kid on the way, a family on my mind.

I'm 45 for a moment, the sea is high and I'm heading into a crisis, chasing the years of my life.

15 there's still time for you, time to buy and time to lose yourself within a morning star. 15 I'm all right with you. 15… there's never a wish better than this, when you only got 100 years to live.

Half time goes by, suddenly you’re wise, another blink of an eye, 67 is gone. The sun is getting high, we're moving on...

I'm 99 for a moment, dying for just another moment and I'm just dreaming… Counting the ways to where you are…

15, there's still time for you, 22 I feel her too, 33 you’re on your way… Every day's a new day... 15 there's still time for you…

Time to buy and time to choose, hey 15, there's never a wish better than this; when you only got 100 years to live.

Group -Five for Fighting

May you feel God's love and enjoy a HAPPY THANKSGIVING! JMP

FREE ebooks: Go to my website: create an account at my store. Don’t need to buy anything. Test drive the FREE ebook downloads for your computer found in the “History and Freedom” section. They are: US Constitution, Democracy in America, Federalist Papers.

REDEMPTION CODE: Constitution. (with upper case "C.") Go to www.powerthink.com/store


Anonymous said...

That's one of my favorite songs! I found out the lead singer named his band "Five For Fighting" because he loves hockey. I guess a fight results in five minutes in the penalty box.

Larry McGarr said...

At 57, I'm well aware that I've experienced more Thanksgivings and Christmases than I'll see in the future. I'm at the point where I wonder what kind of legacy I'll leave my children.

I'd be happy if I could help them avoid the stupid mistakes I've made, but they won't listen and will have to find out the hard way. I'd love to leave them the gift of financial freedom, but I've never known it, so I can neither give it to them or competently teach them.

I fear that they will grow up never knowing the America I inherited from my parents: before freedom of speech became hate speech, before prayer and the pledge of allegiance were removed from our schools; a time when schools were policed by the principals, not policemen. I wish they could know what it's like to get a job on their 16th birthday and pay for their own car and clothes, and that when they graduate there's plenty of good jobs waiting for them - places where the employer is as loyal to his employees as they are to his business.

Our nation has been blessed with great people by a GREAT GOD. Somewhere there are new great Americans who will take up the cause for freedom. Our freedoms are still worth fighting for and dying for; and they deserve to be remembered and embraced lest they be written completely from our history books.

Thanks James for keeping the light shining. Thank you God for purposing us for this time and this place for this cause. Happy Thanksgiving.