Friday, June 20, 2008


Oil is Currency. Talk is Cheap. Values are American Made. American Assets are from where?

I can’t do better than talk show hosts who have staffs to study this stuff and are daily exposing the naked truth about American dependency on foreign oil – AND, consequently, American dependence on the stability of the governments producing it.

So it’s a short blog: Here are some talking points to banter back and forth with your conservative or liberal friends, family, and colleagues. (Except at social gatherings...)

1. We have 30 years of known oil reserves at the current import levels, right here, right now, "AMERICAN MADE."

2. We have enacted strict laws to protect endangered species, and the environment, thus not drilling our assets but relying upon others who don’t give an endangered rat’s tail about those things in their countries. With the threat of nuclear terrorism in the hands of those from oil producing countries we Americans and our endangered environment are:

a. Not endangered
b. Not threatened
c. In danger and threatened
d. Stupid

3. Oil is used for machinery and in by-products to produce the following:

Food, clothing, shelter (housing), transportation (to get vital goods like food from farm to the market) communications, national defense, all products manufactured, entertainment, medical and health care & research, and guarding the non-voting rights of endangered species.

Something to think about: As the oil price skyrockets minimum wage jobs will go away when Americans guard against waste and discretionary purchases of stuff like Big Macs, Whoppers, and Tofu burgers. A domino effect will occur in the economy as spendable money tightens. More homes and automobiles will be foreclosed and taken back by lenders, etc. etc. etc. We should:

a. Not drill for oil, but rely on thugs, socialists, and American enemies to supply it.
b. Drill for oil, and hope the environment and polar bears survive this assault.
c. Drill for oil and scare the foreign suppliers into lowering their prices to compete.
d. Drill for oil, employ Americans, produce reliable sources of energy for independence.
e. B,C, & D
f. Stop producing: Food, clothing, shelter, health care, research, transporting goods and services, and walk or swim to those locations where we need to protect the non-voting endangered species.

I'M REALLY GREEN: Meaning God gave us a world I love and will protect. He also gave man (not Congress and Special Interest Groups)"dominion over all these things..." when he created the world; (Chapter 1, Genesis.) I’m just addressing, with respect, the idea that we can solve a current looming crisis to our successful two hundred year run at “AMERICAN MADE” lifestyle and independence. We have, without trying become the envy of the world. We have, to large degrees, been a wise and generous people to the planet, and yet we are babes, as far as countries go. Just 200 years old, and still learning. What we need now is OIL to keep going while we create alternatives and become an even better steward of freedom and progress for all.

And…selfish me--I need paper made by machines run on oil, or at least energy for the electricity made by turbines running on oil, to deliver my words so I can afford to spend money to help the economy. You are in the economy…No? Do I sound self-centered because I care about AMERICAN MADE from AMERICAN ASSETS?

AND, “Who’s in charge here, anyway?” The people? Eight hundred or so legislators and officials from various federal government agencies and branches? Polar bears?

James Michael Pratt

1 comment:

Larry McGarr said...

You are so right on the mark, James. You should run for office on the Common Sense platform.

I'm retired Army, have a decent job - thus two incomes; but since Thanksgiving, I've had to work a part-time job at night in order to afford the gas that gets me to work on my day job. That, and pay my property taxes....and back taxes from when I was unemployed and cleaned houses and apartments to survive. I know the gap between the rich and the poor is widening, but it is because of policies like our no-drill policy, or our policy to import food and textiles from China when we can produce our own. But I'm also a capitalist. I know if we allow American ingenuity and American values to take charge of the major issues we're facing today, that the world will be a better place.

Satan stole our inerhitance in the Garden; special interests have stolen our nation. We need to do for America what Jesus did for humanity: take it back. Thank you for speaking the truth.
